
New Column Launching

Published: 2013-05-24

It is my great pleasure to announce here that a new column by the name of ‘Meet the Professor’, after long preparation by our editorial staff, is now launching in this issue (Vol.2, No.3, June 2013), and will continue as a bi-monthly column. In this new column, two interviews with world famous professors in the field of hepatobiliary surgery and nutrition will be presented, which will provide a window into the new developments, breakthroughs, and achievements in the interviewers’ professional fields, both in clinics and research. The style is quick, informal and engaging. We believe that it will provide a different angle from traditional articles, in which our readers can understand the insights of research trends and share the thoughts of professors. We will also welcome the readers to follow up on topics and raise further questions, if any, and we will then have these questions responded to and discussed with the experts. We sincerely hope it will be of help.

Yilei Mao, M.D., Ph.D. 
Hepatobiliary Surgery and Nutrition